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  • Lock Devices

    Double Lock Clamps

    (이중 잠금 클램프)

    Double Lock System

    A double locking device consisting of primary and secondary screws for complete sealing.

    지우에이텍의 특허된 이중잠금장치는 1차 나사와 2차 나사로 구성되어 완전 밀폐를 가능하게 합니다.


    KF(NW) Flange : 16, 25, 40, 50

    Sanitary Flange : ISO 1.0S, 1.5S, 2.0S, 2.5S

    Eye Marking (눈관리 기능)

    2차 잠금 너트에 색깔 표기를 하여

    잠금 상태를 쉽게 확인 가능

    Easily check the lock status with the red mark on the secondary lock nut

    Lock Direction (잠금 방향 표시)

    1,2차 잠금 나사에 잠금 방향 표시를 하여

    작업자 별도 교육 없이도 쉽게 설치가 가능

    Easily installable with the lock direction indication on the primary & secondary lock nut

    Reduced Volume (크기 축소)

    지우만의 새로운 가공 방식으로

    기존 고강도 클램프 대비 3~40%가량 부피 및 무게 감소

    New processing reduces volume & weight by 30~40% compared to the previous design

    DK Lok Tube Fittings & Valves

    Instrumentation General Fittings & Valves

    DK Lok tube fitting is designed using industrial codes and specifications with additional cutting-edge engineering on swaging action and sealing integrity. DK Lok provides excellent leak-free sealing on high pressure gas, vacuum, impulse, thermal shock, heavy vibration and many other stringent applications.

    Semiconductor UHP Fittings & Valves

    In order to keep pace with the world-recognized Korean semiconductor industry, 

    DK Lok is continuously conducting R&D to improve the product quality of semiconductor related high precision Fittings & Valves.


    Hand Tube Bender

    For bending stainless stell and copper tubing from 1/4" to 1/2" and 6mm to 16mm OD.

    Roll dies reduce bending force and tube ovality, as compared to conventional slide block design.

    Heat Protector for Valve

    Installation on valves whare ambient temperature differs greatly from fluid temperature.

    Silicone rubber has excellent insulation.

    Dual Sealing Teflon Centering

    Jiwoo PTFE Centering is applied and used in various semiconductor processes based on the stability of double sealing performance.

    {"google":["Mada","Didact Gothic","Dosis","Poiret One","Muli"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Gothic"]}
    {"google":["Mada","Didact Gothic","Dosis","Poiret One"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Gothic"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}